sâmbătă, 12 decembrie 2009


Incerc sa mentin ura departe de mine ...sufletul imi spune sa fac asta...amintirile ce el m-i lea daruit.Amintirea unei iubiri ...iubire ce moartea nu a putut sa o stearga.Sint un ciudat...da sint deacord cu acest lucru si totusi...nu pot sa ma intreb "de ce"...vesnicul "de ce"...defapt singurul "de ce" la care nu am un raspuns.Singura explicatie ce am luat-o in considerare e ca acolo undeva acel suflet...suflet pereche ... exista...si..sper ca simte aceiasi neimplinire.Am ridicat in momente de disperare ochi spre cer si am cerut ajutor.A venit acest ajutor si incet foarte incet si rar am primit frinturi  de ...informatii daca le pot spune in acest fel.Totusi de cind ma stiu am fost ceva diferit de tot ceea ce vad in jur si asta pentru ca in mine ceva ma obliga sa nu urasc,sa nu fac rau,...ceva din mine ....sufletul meu....iubirea lui pentru acel suflet.D-zeule ...ce a ajuns acest ....sentiment, aceasta traire....A ajuns ceva material .........sa pierdut sensul vietii....macar unul dintre voi cei ce cititi aceste rinduri stiti care e sensul vietii(general pentru ca fiecare om,fiinta are sensul ei principal).Citi dintre voi isi dau seama ca raul cel face astazi va lovi inzecit maine in generatiile urmatoare.Din acest motiv ma consider diferit ...pentru ca chiar daca  nu am un viitor sigur, un loc de munca asigurat,nu pling ziua de maine din punct de vedere material.Chiar daca am doar zece clase,chiar daca am citit mult(in nici un caz ziare)nu astea ma fac sa fiu ce sint,ci doar sufletul cel port si dorinta de a fi om in adevaratul sens al cuvintului.Un lucru nu greu,ci ingrozitor de greu in ziua de azi in care pentru a mentine capul la suprafata acestui ocean de ura si materialism trebuie sa "lovesti si sa calci pentru a nu fi calcat".Platim pacatele parintilor...mi-a trebuit ceva timp pina am inteles si acele cuvinte ..."copii vor plati pacatele parintilor"...Nu mi se pare corect  insa sint prea mic si....As dori sa pot schimba ceva dar asta numi apartine doar mie ci si celor din jurul meu....
Incet ceva in mine moare...si ceva ia nastere.Nu speranta...Moare dorinta si puterea de a fi om ...Se naste insa ceva intunecat...si uneori in intunericul noptii strig catre cer....un strigat mut si totusi puternic.NU vine insa nici un raspuns....nici macar din partea ei...acel suflet.


I try to keep the hate away of me ... my heart says to do that ... memories that my soul give me.Memories of love ... I love that death could not delete.I am a strange ... agree with this and yet ... I can not ask "why" ... the eternal "why" ... actually the only "why" to which I do not have a answer.The only explanation what I took it in account is that soul is somewhere there ... soul mate ... isthere ... and .. I hope he feels the same things like me. In moments of desperation my eyes looked tothe sky and asked for aid.A this aid came slowly and slowly and gently scrape by ... I received information if they can be named like that.Still ,since I know my self I was something different from everything I see around and that's because something in me forced me to not hate, do not hurt, ... something in me .... my soul. ... his love for that soul.My God ... what .... got this feeling, this feeling has got something material .... .........we lost the meaning of life .. .. even one of you who read these lines know what is the meaning of life (general for every human being has a primary sense). How many of you realize that the bad of today will strike tomorrow tenfold in the next generations.This is why I think differently ... because even if I have a insecure future, a job insecured, i'm not complain in a material way the day of tomorrow.If legally i have just ten classes, even if I read more (in any case not newspapers) they not make me be what i am, but the memories and my soul desire to be human in the true sense of the word. Is not difficult, but terribly hard today to keep the head on surface of this ocean of hatred and materialism ...has to "hit and press for not be press." sins of the parents ... We pay the sins of our parents I get some time until i understand those words ... "Children will pay parents' sins. .. did not seem right but i'm too small and .... I wish I could change anything but this belongs not only to my , but also those around me ....

Something in me dies slowly ... and give birth to something else.Dies the wish and hope ... the power to be human ... but something dark is born ... and sometimes i cry in the darkness of night to the sky .... a cried silent and still strong.Is not comes no answer .... no answer from her ... from that soul.

2 comentarii:

  1. ti-as multumi mult daca mi-ai povesti macar pe scurt ideea ta cu dragostea moarta si chestii de genu asta. ai iubit pe cineva care a murit de tanara? ce s-a intamplat? nu vreau sa fiu indiscreta... ramane la atitudinea ta daca vrei sau nu. numa bine!

  2. ai spus ca ai citit tot blogul si inainte de a fi sters initial daca ai fi citit pritre randuri si chiar si asa totul a fost explicat pe indelete totul cu punct si virgula din fiecare ungher al povestii asa ca fii atenta la ce scrie caci tinzi sa citesti doar suprafata si tinzi sa esentialul
